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ALN at Penygloddfa School
Please look through the attached Powerpoint that will help you to understand what is happening in terms of Additional Learning needs in Wales at the moment.
What to do if you think your child maybe having difficulties at school.
1) It is always best to firstly contact your class teacher. You can make an appointment by contacting the office on office@penygloddfa.powys.sch.uk or by calling 01686 626715. You do not have to wait until a parents' evening as if you have a concern it is best to get it sorted as soon as possible.
2) Speak to Mrs Crees our Additional Learning Needs Co-ordinator, you can contact her to book an appointment on Creest1@hwbcymru.net or on 01686 625486.
Issues are best resolved by discussion with your class teacher and the ALNCO. The best results are when everyone works together with your child at the centre of the process. We are trained and deliver Person Centred Planning and our reviews are run in this format (SEE POWERPOINT).
We are very proud here at Ysgol Penygloddfa that EVERY child in our school has a One page profile. We spend time with your child to put this together along with their peers who also contribute. We then ask you as Parents and Carers to view these during Parents' evening and to add any extra information that you feel may be important for us to know at school.