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Meet The Team
Miss Wilcox
Mrs Crees
In Dosbarth Draenog we love to learn through having lots of fun and adventures. Our recent topics include the Gruffalo and Goldilocks and the three bears; the children have enjoyed many activities including-
Making Gruffalo crumble
Taste testing which ingredient tastes better in porridge
Making Gruffalo playdough using blackberries
Measuring the bears footprints.
Making chairs out of lego for the Three Bears
Making beds out of junk modelling for Goldilocks..
Using the construction area to build a house for the Three Bears.
Alongside all of these activities the children take part in Read Write Inc sessions to develop their literacy skills. They then apply these skills to produce some lovely pieces of work.
The children also enjoy problem solving and investigating, they have enjoyed exploring the outdoors and noticing the changes in the seasons and using our forest school area to role play stories. During our Maths sessions children learn essential skills and build a strong foundation in number. The children can then apply their skills independently through our topics.
In Dosbarth Draenog the children are encouraged to speak as much Welsh as possible. The start by learning how to answer the register in Welsh and progress to asking and answering questions. They use Welsh throughout the school day and are rewarded with a token if they have tried hard. The child with the most amount of tokens at the end of the week is awarded a certificate.
Other activities that we love in Dosbarth Draenog are-
Arts and Craft
Playing in the sand and water area
Reading stories
PE sessions
Well- being Wednesday activities
Developing our digital skills